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Avantgard in belly dancing: Interview with Krisztina Téglás

Krisztina Téglás (Haalima)  is an emerging talent in modern dance from the younger generation in the lesser-known style of belly dancing— Tribal Fusion— in Hungary. The aim in interviewing her to get a clearer picture about the often misunderstood Tribal Fusion Belly Dance style and her workshops. Papillon: What are the origins and which technical […]

Avantgárd a hastáncban-Interjú Téglás Krisztinával

Art Brut-or Raw Art

Distinguishing the branches of contemporary art is quite difficult even if I attempt to do it with the aid of literature to obtain a cleaner definition of Art Brut.   Originally, Art Brut focused on the art of “crazy people” often from any kind of marginal groups: prisoners, recluses and anarchists and expressed spontaneity. These […]

Az Art Brut-avagy a Nyers művészet